Articulate Rise
Are you tired of the old-fashioned, traditional way of imparting eLearning?
Do you have a curriculum that you would like to reintroduce to your learners as bite-sized learning?
If your answer to any of these questions is a ‘Yes!’, then what you are looking for is a way to transform your outdated traditional-styled content into cleaner, smaller and more self-contained courses with encouragement towards smaller nuggets of learning.
At Conscience, we enable microlearning using rapid authoring tools like Articulate Rise. Articulate Rise is a fantastic web-based authoring interface that provides a fast, lightweight, and simple workflow to create responsive, elegant and simple courseware. It uses an in-built template course creation builder that uses pre-built ‘lessons’ (including video, labeled graphics, timeline, sorting activity, process, URL/embed for animations, PPT, and PDFs, and quiz) that enable rapid course authoring. Where the client requirements demand a custom lesson build, our Rise experts create custom ‘lessons’ using flexible learning blocks, namely text, statement, quote, list, image, gallery, multimedia, interactive, and divider.
Why Articulate Rise?
Conscience has used Articulate Rise as a tool of choice for rapid authoring on several projects in the past. Our experience and adeptness with the tool reveal several features that this tool offers to make rapid development of responsive learning courseware a quick and simple process.
Though a little less interactive than what you may get out of Storyline, what sets Articulate Rise apart is its feature of rapidly creating simple eLearning that is automatically optimized for use across devices. Rise helps us enhance learning content using the content blocks and images that can be rearranged or “stacked” intelligently within the dimensions of the device.
In addition to this, Rise, as a rapid courseware authoring application, also offers excellent development support in terms of:
Ensuring an efficient, responsive and economical built-in lesson menu
Provision to author template-styled, online courses using Rise’ course builder
Option to preview the course continuously during the development for different device sizes
Feature to export course packages as SCORM/xAPI and upload them to an LMS
Several times we come across courseware that demands custom interactivities or scenario-based learning within them. In such situations, the Courseware team at Conscience has successfully included custom interactive components using Rise’s powerful, in-built provision to build and embed custom interactivity and scenario-based learning built using Storyline within itself. Undoubtedly, this has helped us churn out interactive courses using Rise while countering its limitation of support for interactive content to an extent.
When should you use Rise as the preferred choice for your courseware development?
Though Rise is perfect for most learning requirements, Conscience usually recommends courseware authoring in Articulate Rise when the learning requirements demand rapid development of courses within a short period with one or more of the following: